Japanese Penhold Blade


Sam Unknown
Sam Unknown Asked 15 years ago

I've benn playing a long while now and am at early Grade A stages(penhold). I am an all round player, but more offensive. I play best with light weight bats, but what type of blade would you recommend for me (Oh and I don't play reverse penhold)? I want to play like Kim Taek Soo... hehe. There is a Kim Taek Soo Butterfly blade... But I don't know if it is too much speed and not enough control... Specs: Speed - 10/10, Control - 5.8/10, Feel - Medium, Weight - 94g, Thickness - 10.3mm, 1 plywood layer and square shape. What do you think?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Sam,

Sounds a little fast.  Probably good for Kim Taek Soo.

Try for something a little slower with more control.  I don't have any suggestions as to actual types of bats.  Perhaps some of our readers will have some ideas for you.

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Tactics Against Penhold Players

When playing penhold players it is important to remember to first analyse your opponent as you would if they used any grip. What are their strengths and weaknesses? A common weakness of penhold players is their forehand block especially against a slow spinny topspin. Their backhand may be a weakness if they use the traditional style, or you may wish to explore the crossover point if they are using the reverse penhold backhand.

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