JO Waldner always in the right position


Reynel Obordo
Reynel Obordo Asked 12 years ago

Hi coach..

Why does JO..doesnt move too much in the game..i mean he didnt usually move much

This is what JO said that im really curious about

JO: I wants to save his energy for the important balls, I am standing where the ball comes, that's why I don't have to move. I can read the game.

Should i follow his words of wisdom...

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Reynel,

It is interesting isn't it because it almost looks like his opponent hits the ball to him.

He sees the ball so well and early and he also has an amazing ability to read where the ball is coming.  This is not anticipation but he works out the angles and the possibilities and places himself in the middle of those possibilities.  That is why it looks like he doesn't need to move.

He also has very good footwork.  He has done many many hours of footwork training to be able to do this, over many years from a young age.  This sort of ability doesn't just come to you.

For us mere mortals, we just need to work more on our footwork and read the play as well as we can.

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Thoughts on this question

Shripathi ramakrishnan

Shripathi ramakrishnan Posted 12 years ago

something similar happens whenever persson goes back and starts fishing too! how do they anticipate so good??

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Years and years of experience.

Reynel Obordo

Reynel Obordo Posted 12 years ago

Wow...JO is very good thats why he is the legend in Table Tennis..

I wish i could read the game just like him

Btw thanks for the advise coach


D K Posted 9 years ago

Haha,Alois,your last sentence in your answer is said in a very funny way :D
"mere mortals " :DD

Yes,I know he looks like an alien in this meaning,his ability to read spin was incredible

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