Jump smash


Andrew Yau
Andrew Yau Asked 14 years ago

Hi i have learnt to jump/hop smash fairly well

The trouble i have is that smashing dead balls makes me nervous. I'm fairly short which is probably where my fear comes from but when im smashing i compensate the bat angle.

How can i improve the consistency and emotion problem :P


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Andrew,

Make sure you are waiting for the ball to come down to the right height before you smash.  If you are trying to hit the ball from to high you will make mistakes.

I always stress getting your feet in the right position and using the time the ball is in the air to do this.  This will then allow you to swing more freely. 


Recommended Video

Forehand Counterhit

The forehand counterhit or forehand drive is the foundation for more attacking strokes such as the forehand topspin or forehand loop. There are 3 critical factors:

  1. Your feet position
  2. Your start position
  3. Your finish position

If you concentrate on these 3 factors then your stroke will become extremely consistent. Once you can reliably hit 100 balls in a row then you are ready for more attacking strokes. If you can hit 1,000 balls on in a row then you know you've truly mastered the stroke.

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Thoughts on this question

gian crispino

gian crispino Posted 14 years ago

can u smash the ball half-volley style?(quick smash)

Andrew Yau

Andrew Yau Posted 14 years ago

Yeah but in my school they dont hav emuch space >.< so opponent cant block lol i dont like taking advantage of people and eviroments :P i like to play fairly so i just loop and occasionally high smashes is thers space

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