Afraid of Missing

Mental Preparation

Daumisx Krugliakovas
Daumisx Krugliakovas Asked 14 years ago

Hello I have a bit of a really Big Problem when I i get chance to smash I'm not doing it i usualy smash very slow and weak becouse im afraid to miss the table and that comes to my lose point i give chance o enemy to make a smash what i have to do? and second problem when i spin the ball or doing a lob with spin in a few shots my ball goes to net becouse i'm afraid of spinning to hard or lift the ball up.....

I know it sounds stupid for someone but i hawe a bit of the problem sometimes i make the smash and only sometimes i make it good BUT i know how to do it and when i'm not playing just training I made it good

whats my problem mental or skill less? 

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With all the best


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Daumisx,

This sounds like a tension problem and not a skill problem.  You need to learn to be able to control your emotions during a game so that you allow yourself to play naturally. 

Take a look at several of our other Ask the Coach questions on the topic of Mental Preparation.  You will find a lot of good information there. 

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Thoughts on this question

Daumisx Krugliakovas

Daumisx Krugliakovas Posted 14 years ago

Thanks alot for all your help

Sam Quek

Sam Quek Posted 14 years ago

I also have this problem. I was always tensed up and nervous about topspining the ball. I want to change to an agressive player, but I am having problems about being nervous. I knows this because whenever I finiched a point or its my freidns turn to play, I can feel my heart pumping super fast.

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