Keeping a neutral position


jack neo
jack neo Asked 13 years ago

Hey coaches, i didn't realise this problem until i had some advice from a more experienced player. He said that i had my forearm stretched too far and, always expecting a push return to my forehand. Therefore, i had trouble reacting fast enough to short pushes and interchanging between fh and bh shots. How can i solve this problem?


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Jack,

Your ready position should be balanced so that you can move either way as well as forwards and backwards.

Think about being balanced as much as possible.  If you have your arm out too far in front of you then you are not balanced.  This also applies when you are switching between forehand and backhand.  Try to stay in a balanced neutral position.

Take a look at our lesson on the Ready Position.  This may give you a few more clues. 

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Thoughts on this question

jack neo

jack neo Posted 13 years ago

Thanks coach.

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