Keeping return balls short


craig beuttler
craig beuttler Asked 4 years ago

Hi Alois,

My question for you is as a player who uses ox lp bh and ox sp forehand; which stroke is the best defense against strong loops or drives? I do chop but sometimes the ball travels close to the end of the table which allows another loop/drive to be played. Do I need to try to use my wrist/arm to absorb the impact as I chop? I am the only player in my club that plays with lps and a hardbat. So there is not anyone to share information regarding strokes. I greatly appreciate your response.

Thank you in advance.

Warm regards,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Craig,

Try to keep the wrist and hand more relaxed to absorb some of the speed on both the long and short pimples.

You may try to experiment with playing the long pimples from closer to the table and hitting the ball as close to the bounce as you can.  Take a look at the tutorial on the Long Pimple Chop Block.


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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 4 years ago

Though,sending the ball at the end line of the table is the basic defensive strategy.
If you realy CHOP,this is how you should place the ball.
It will not prevent them from attacking,but they will have to take a step back to do it.
That results in more time for you and you can use your shortpips to block.

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