Knee care


Tommaso Cesari
Tommaso Cesari Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois,

I started playing table tennis seriously 3 months ago (after one year of amateuring). One of the things that I improved (and which dramatically changed my game) was the posture. I started to play very low on my legs and to take a huge care of my footwork, and here it come the question. I heard that more that one table tennis player has knees troubles after a while. Sometimes (especially when I train really hard, like 2-3 days in a row for 3 or more hours a day), I feel them very tired and weaker then usual. I guess that's to be expected but you know, beginner enthusiasm...
I'd like to know if you have any advise on the following problems.

  1. How many times per week (and for how many hours) can one train without damaging his knees? (I know we are all different and it depends on the specific person, but it's just to have an upper bound of my workout, a threshold that is not safe to reach.)
  2. Do I have to alternate a day of training with one (or more) day(s) of rest?
  3. Are there any specific gym exercises that I can do to to strengthen my muscles around the knees and protect them from excessive stress?
  4. Is there any specific food that helps strengthening up them?

Thanks very much for the tip!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Tommaso,

It sounds like you really are focused on your Table Tennis.

With regards to the training and your knees, I think the solution is that you need to also do some strength work on your legs so that they can support what you are doing.  The more you look after this aspect of your health the better and more you will be able to train.  The best players can train up to 6 hours a day but that is because they have built strength in their legs.  If you are feeling pain in your knees you should go to a specialist that will be able to help you with this.

If you have good conditioning you will be able to train on successive days without any problems.

A good leg exercise is squats as this works the muscles that you require.  Since you are so keen you should also start to work more seriously on your strength and conditioning.  Go and see a gymnasium and get some professional help.  You will benefit from it.

As far as food, just a healthy balanced diet is best.  You don't need to do anything too specific.

Good luck with it all.

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Thoughts on this question

Tommaso Cesari

Tommaso Cesari Posted 12 years ago

I will go to see my GP but it's not really pain, it's more like fatigue so I don't think it's by itself something to worry about. Anyway thanks a lot Alois, you are always helpful!

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