Hello sir.
I watched a match on youtube from the Beijing olympics 2008 preliminary round. And it was Kyle Davis from australia against an egyptian. The playing style of Kyle Davis inspired me a lot whith a beautiful fh sidespin topspin and the bh was also great, so my question is if you know which equipment he used in the olympics, because i want to play like him.
Hi Jakob,
I am not sure what he was using at that time. He uses Butterfly rubbers though.
Unfortunately he is not playing much at the moment.
When choosing a net look for one with a good clamp, an adjustable height mechanism, and a way to tension the net.
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After checking with Kyle he tells me it was probably Bryce as it was still the days of using speed glue.
Hi Jakob,
It's important to remember that having the exact same equipment is not necessary to emulate someone's style of play. Improving your technique and strokes is what will make the biggest difference.