Table tennis serve


Nicole' Estanislao
Nicole' Estanislao Asked 11 years ago

I have a problem about serving a Table tennis ball on the table, sometimes i serve the ball without hitting it...

Is it true that some other people bounce on the table and hit it fast? I've been wondering my coach is saying that i can't do that thing what i say in my Question...

I'm a 1st Year Highschool Student asking this that can i do that thing?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Nicole,

The ball has to be hit before it bounces on the table and then it must bounce on your side and then the other side of the table.

Take a look at the lesson onĀ How To Serve.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Improving Your Reflexes

Learn how to react quicker so you can get to that really fast moving ball.

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