Landing problems from BH


Ardak .
Ardak . Asked 2 years ago

Hi, coach!

I have a real brushing problems during BH topspin. When I do BH topspin to the ball on the table, it usually goes off the table. It usually happens against spinny high topspins and sidespin serves. I feel that there are too much spin in my topspin and the racket grips the ball too much. Ball goes very close to the opponents side of the table, but misses. It happens when I try to do like Fan Zhendong here:

Fan's BH topspin at the moment 1:07.

Sometimes it is successful but very risky. I noticed that it lands to the table when I do very long movement to the forward and press the ball down at the finishing moment. It is works when there is only sidespin+topspin on the serve.

What do you suggest?


Best wishes, Ardak.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 2 years ago

Hi Ardak,

I would start with the longer stroke which will give you more control of the ball.  Fan's shot here is very advanced and he is really contacting the ball very fast and with a small swing which is extremely difficult to get exactly right each time.

When you have the longer stroke with the racket staying in the same angle all the way through you will have a better chance of making a good contact and generating the spin you need to get the ball on the table.  If you don't get that contact you will find there is not enough spin and the ball will fly off the end.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Topspin Against Various Spins and Lengths

Take a look at how to make the topspin when you are confronted with different types of balls.

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Thoughts on this question

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 2 years ago

Hi, coach! Thank you for reply! Do I need to start lower during looping semi-short sidespin+topspin serve, and finish low? Or it is enough to start on the same level of contacting point? 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 2 years ago

Start slightly lower than the contact point and finish higher than the contact point to make a straight line with your swing.

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