Legal or not?


Jeffery Liem
Jeffery Liem Asked 12 years ago

Hi Coach,

The above link of the youtube video is it legal to stick the ball first and hit?

Also, how to practice to spin the ball and use the rubber to keep the ball spin? I just can use three finger to keep the ball spin!



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Jeffrey,

This is not something that I would recommend.  It is difficult to get it to touch your bat just once.  The rule now allows more than one touch on the bat as long as it is not intentional.

The rubber would need to be very slow as well and once you start to get up against a little better serves or hits this will be impossible.

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Thoughts on this question

Jeffery Liem

Jeffery Liem Posted 12 years ago

Hi Coach,

So, the man very strong!

He can use his skills to win the point?


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