Level playing field


Andrew Elko
Andrew Elko Asked 2 years ago


Is there a way to level the playing field when playing someone who is either much better or not as good as you? A unique scoring method?

thank you,

Andy Elko

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 2 years ago

Hi Andy,

There are quite a few things that you can do in this situation.

Here are a few ideas:

- Only allow them to play to half of your side of the table

- Only allow them to play with one stroke e.g. Forehand

- Restrict the speed that they can hit the ball

- Don't allow them any spin on their serves i.e. fast fast serves only

- You can do a 2 for 1 deal...  Every time you win a rally you get 2 points

- Start with different scores - You start on 5 and they start on zero.

As you start to think you will come up with a lot more ideas to trial.  Give them a go and see if it actually evens up the playing field.

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