I see many players having their logo of the bat on the forehand side (e.g. the pingskills blade has the pingskills logo on one side of the blade and many players put their forehand rubber there), why is this so? Thanks
Hi Hao,
I just find it more comfortable. Some players hold it the other way as well. There is no physical reason really.
Make sure you buy a table tennis bat that is suitable for your level and allows you to develop your technique. For your first bat we recommend the PingSkills Rook, and when you upgrade to a custom bat we recommend the PingSkills Touch with Mark V or Rakza 7.
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Jean Balthazar Posted 9 years ago
I don't like the feeling of that plastic insert against the palm of my hand, as it's hard and doesn't absord any sweat. So I also put the logo on the forehand side.
Johan B Posted 9 years ago
Please create a PingSkills overgrip! No one can see the logo on my Touch
Jean Balthazar Posted 9 years ago
A pingskills side protection band might be easier to get made?
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago
We do have those.