lose or win?


Daniel Said Unknown
Daniel Said Unknown Asked 16 years ago

Hi Jeff,What is it best to win or to lose?because a lot of people say that when you win you dont learn nothing and when you lose you detect your problems.

Daniel Said from malta


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Daniel,

You should always try to win.  If you do lose you can learn from it, but only if you really strive to win and give it everything will you learn about your game.

You can also learn things when you win.  Don't forget that in any win you have also lost many points that you can learn from.

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Pushing to Win: How to Dominate with Spin and Deception

Think pushing is just a defensive move? Think again! In this video, we’ll show you how to turn your pushes into powerful weapons on the table. Learn how to use spin, speed, and deception to outmaneuver your opponents and win more points. Here’s what we’ll cover: ✅ How to add heavy backspin, no-spin, and even sidespin to your pushes. ✅ How to vary speed and placement for maximum effectiveness. ✅ How to deceive your opponent with clever push techniques. Whether you're facing an aggressive looper or a defensive blocker, these tactics will help you stay in control and dominate the game.

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Thoughts on this question

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 16 years ago

Reminds me of a Peanuts comic strip I saw once.

Linus tells Charlie Brown (paraphrasing from memory) "people say you learn more from your failures than your successes"

Charlie Brown considers this for a while and says "that would make me the smartest person in the world!"

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