What are the modifications to be made?
Hi Dhruv,
Yes you can do this. You need to tilt your bat further back to generated the backspin. ALso slow the forward momentum down so that the ball grips better to come back.
Here is an effective serve that you can learn and put into your game. It is a serve that not many players are using so as a variation and something new, this one can be a winner for you.
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Dhruv Maniar Posted 11 years ago
I tried that and placed the bat almost parallel to the table...but the thing is ball has too much height and can be smashed easily.....its very hard to get the right amount of contact consistently and m finding it very difficult to keep the height low!Can you put up a video demonstrating this lin's is a populr serve and I am sure many players would benefit from ths.Thanks.
It will take a bit of practice to get this contact right.
Table TennisGuy Posted 10 years ago
How about you bend your knees?