Ma Lin's serve fake action


Jason Ferdinand
Jason Ferdinand Asked 8 years ago

Hi. I already know about how to do the Ghost serve, and I don't wanna ask about that. I just amazed when I see he hiding his serve (a little) with his left hand and if I watch his serve in his matches I just can see that he brush the ball to the other side (It looks like he is doing a reverse pendulum serve, but actually he is doing a normal pendulum serve). My question is, how to do that? (I really want to learn it)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Jason,

He is using a fake movement of the bat after he has hit the ball.  It looks like he is hitting the Reverse because he turns his bat the other way but this happens after he contacts the ball with the normal Pendulum motion.

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