Ma Long serve


Edwin Gosens
Edwin Gosens Asked 11 years ago


Have been using the same serves for pretty much 2 years now, I watched some tutorials of the Ma Long serve from Ma Long himself, but its in chinese so I cant understand anything of what they are saying. If I serve short I have trouble generating enough spin. Its more like a short dead ball and once my opponent sees that its just a dead ball he will start attacking on them. But if I try to generate alot of spin my serve will get too long and once my opponent got that its not that effective anymore either. So all I ask you is;'Can you please do an indept tutorial about the Ma Long serve.' Because thats really the serve I want to master.

Thanks in advance,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Edwin,

To get the ball short and with spin requires a fine contact.  This is difficult to get right and needs a lot of practice.

If you hit the ball flat and fast you will not get any spin and the ball will go long.  If you hit the ball flat and softly it will go short but with no spin.  So it is a matter of getting the two components right to get a good short spin serve.

We have the Ma Long serve on our list of lessons to look at.

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