Mark V on carbotec 20 for upgrading


Naveen K
Naveen K Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois.

I am playing table tennis for the past two years. Your videos have been a source of inspiration (we friends collectively watch your videos and implement them to get an edge. Looking back at ourselves 2 years ago to now, we realize we owe a lot to your videos). I have moved on from basic butterfly bat to Donic Schildkrot carbotec 20(8 months ago).

I have good control over my shots, and I play all shots(top spin, side spin, chop, flip and good balance between forehand and backhand strokes) more or less. 

Query: As an upgrade to next level I plan to switch to Mark V rubber. Can I use it on the same carbotec 20 blade or should I go for a new blade? Please suggest. I would consider your suggestion for a different rubber as well.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Naveen,

I am not 100% sure about it as I haven't seen it or felt the wood.  It looks reasonable to be able to use as the blade for an upgrade.  It will just depend on the quality of the wood that they have used. I have used a lot of very low quality blades and put Mark V on them with good results.

Perhaps someone else that has felt a Carbotech 20 can help out here.

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