Time problems when execute the forehand loop


Botond Vasvary
Botond Vasvary Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff. I'm Boti from Hungary.

I dont play for many years but I've learnt the name of the shots , spins etc. I can lob , chop , do services with high toss and force the ball to turn due to corkspin.

I am a backhand oriented player and can do the backhand loop well with nice, big follow through.

With my forehand I do the chinese style looping (trying to copy Ma Long's forehand).  I've danced (ballroom dance) competitively for about 4 years, so it was easy to understand the mechanics of the strokes, and the body-work.  I can loop well against backspin with really big and nice swings (I like when my shots look elegant, and is important for me).

When I want to loop topspin I feel awkward , I do the backswing but I hit the ball with the edge of my racket. (this happens close to the table & mid distance) Sometimes I do the backswing too early ( I feel that I don't have time to do the starting position, it's really sad, because with the s. position you could reach the forehand and also the backhand balls)  and it's ridiculous when the ball comes to my backhand while my arm is behind me (preparing for the fhand loop ).

I don't know what should I do. Am I too weak to execute big swings in short time? This leads me to acting in haste, and the ball usually go off the table. 

Please help me!

Thanks in advance:D

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Boti,

For the loop or the topspin against backspin you don't need to have a huge swing just start lower than you would normally and finish higher.  If you can get these principles right then you will be able to lift the ball successfully.  This will help with your time problems.

Focus a lot on the brushing contact with the down to up action.  Also focus on watching the ball closely as this will give you a little more time to play with.

Take another look at the lesson on the Forehand Topspin Off Backspin.

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