Hi there. I wanted to know from you guys and which players have mastered their rubbers best.
I’d say: inverted: Ma Long
Antispin: Amelie Solja
Short Pips: He Zhi Wen
Long Pips: Ni Xia Lian
Medium Pips: I don’t know any
So, which players would you choose and can anyone give me some examples of Medium Pips players?
Hi Tim,
I will throw this out to the readers.
When choosing a net look for one with a good clamp, an adjustable height mechanism, and a way to tension the net.
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Tim Hunger Posted 5 years ago
Nobody answers...
I don't think any of the Men. Perhaps some Women do...
Jasper Low Posted 5 years ago
Mima ito is one
D K Posted 5 years ago
I would like to mention antispin youngster Luka Mladenovic,who represents Luxembourg.
Also, there is notable longpips user Carl Prean,who has been active during I think 80s,who was using shortpips on forehand and longpips on backhand while twiddling frequently and attacking with both rubbers.
There are also defenders,of course,who mastered their equipment (Matsushita,Joo Sae Hyuk,Jang Song Man... for longpips,Hou Ying Chao,Ding Song ...for shortpips)
Regarding shortpips attackers,notable examples can also be Mattias Falck (Mattias Karlsson) or Liu Guo Liang.
Regarding Medium Pips,mentioned Mima Ito is one example,and also I believe Miu Hirano uses them too. I found no evidence about medium pips being used among men,because they in fact have something from shortpips and something from longpips without excelling at something.