Hi Alois. nd Jeff. . . . Thank you for making such an informative site for ping pong. . . This is truly a bible for tt lovers. . .nd Icing on the cake is the lucid clear and crisp explanations provided in the lessons. Awesome. . Salute to you guys for the dedication and skill dissemination. One thing i would like to request is to add some match analysis of olympic /world championship matches.
Best Regards
Jomy Joseph
Hi Jomy,
Thanks for your kind words. It is always nice to hear that we are able to help players.
Good suggestion about doing some more Match Analysis. Something we will definitely look to do during the year ahead.
We are also planning on doing some analysis of matches with Club level players as well.
We show you how to work out your opponent quickly. What do you need to look for and then how do you break them down?
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Marius Darian Posted 8 years ago
William Henzell has made some Match Analysis videos, you should check them out.