Angle with short pimples


Noah Clayborne
Noah Clayborne Asked 8 years ago

How closed should I be with short pimples if I get into a topspin rally. If I am closed the short pimples sends the ball into the net. However I am worried that if I am too open with the short pimples the ball will go over the table.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Noah,

That is one of the shortfalls of Short Pimples.  It doesn't give you as good a margin for error as inverted rubber because you can't generate as much spin, however you can still generate some spin which will add to the safety of the shot.  Open the bat and put some topspin on the ball.  Make sure you are hitting the ball at the peak of the bounce as well to give you the best chance of success.

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Thoughts on this question

Marius Darian

Marius Darian Posted 8 years ago

Also, you shouldn't get into a "topspin rally". If you use short pips, you should stay close to the table and when the opponent attacks, you should block/punch.

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