Hi Pingskills!
I've got a question. How do you determine whether a rubber has long pips or medium pips? Do you measure its length? If so, how? Thanks!
Hi Kong,
On the ITTF website it mentions that Long is determined by whether the Pimple height / Pimple diameter is greater than 0.89.
In practice the long pimples can be seen by when you rub them they bend a lot more than a medium pimple or a short pimple.
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Table TennisGuy Posted 10 years ago
Table TennisGuy Posted 10 years ago
0.89 cm?
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago
Not cm, but if the Height of the pimple divided by the diameter of the pimple is greater than 0.89 then it is considered long.