Medium Pips-Out Rubber


Mars De Los Santos
Mars De Los Santos Asked 15 years ago

Coach, I am familiar with the Long and Short pips-out rubbers but I don't know the so called medium pips-out. What is the difference of this to the other two in terms of effects to spins? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this rubber?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi JM,

The medium pimples are used mainly for attackers.  It gives a little more of a wobbble effect when you hit with it.  It is easier to attack with than Long Pimples but not as easy as Short.  So you need to think about the trade off between control and effect.

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Thoughts on this question

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 15 years ago

Good question!

I have trouble playing against medium-pip players because I don't know what spin effects to expect.  Do they reverse spin like long pips?  Or can they generate a bit of spin like short you follow the stroke (topspin stroke produces topspin, backspin stroke produces backspin, not dependent on what spin you give them)?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 15 years ago
It depends a little on the type of stroke played whether they reverse the spin. If they play a chop block or a flat block for example, it can reverse the spin but if they play a block a little over the ball it will not reverse the spin. They can also generate a little spin of their own but not as much as short pips. As is probably logical, the effects are between those of short and long pimples. Sounds like another Lesson coming on...

Mat Unknown

Mat Unknown Posted 15 years ago

I have played people who use medium pips, though it is quite rare to find medium pip players. It is quite unpredicatble, great for  attack, though less than short pips. Medium pips is quite deceptive, it may or may not reverse the spin. I had a lot of trouble playing medium pips since its attack sometimes incorporates lots of backspin, so many of my blocks end up at the net, which is very annoying.

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