Backhand loop down the line


Ji-Soo Woo
Ji-Soo Woo Asked 15 years ago

Hi coach

one problem I have is with a highish ball to my backhand side (either with topspin or with little spin) when I try to put topspin on it and loop/drive it down the line.  I find I start the trajectory too high and/or don't put enough topspin on the ball to make it dip in time, and with the shorter distance down the line, I usually hit the ball long.  What sort of things should I be looking out for and what kind of corrections should I be making?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Ji-Soo,

Try getting your arm up high to start with.  Lift from the shoulder and then execute your stroke.  This may help to keep the ball down.  Make sure you maintain the spin on the ball by brushing over the top of the ball.  Having your arm high will help this.  As you have pointed out spin is the key to getting the ball to dip fast enough on the down the line shot.

Some other options are;

  • Pivot and play a forehand if you feel you have enough time.
  • Punch the ball when it gets to a comfortable height.  You need to generate the pace yourself here so it may be more difficult.

Hope this helps.

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