Minimum thickness for topspin Mark V


Thomas Kunzfeld
Thomas Kunzfeld Asked 10 years ago

Hi Alois,

I am 52 years old and a beginner ((obviously a very rare  and unusual species :-)  ): According to your experience...what is the MINIMUM thickness of sponge of Mark V that you would recommend to learn with? More specific: I´m more interested in control than in speed, but at the same time I don´t want the sponge to be too thin for learning top spin....and...I´d like the same sponge thickness on forehand and backhand.

Thanks for your excellent website !!!


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Thomas,

You are not such a rare breed.  We have discovered a lot of these creatures lurking around the internet...

Regarding the rubber thickness, probably 1.5mm but even 1.8mm won’t be too fast to learn the strokes.  I would go for the 1.8mm on both sides.  If that is not available go for 2mm.

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Thoughts on this question

Thomas Kunzfeld

Thomas Kunzfeld Posted 10 years ago

Thank you very much! Then I´ll go for the 1,8mm.

I´ve got two blades: A Stiga Allround Classic Carbon (very light exemplar: 70g) and a Donic Waldner Senso Carbon. Do you think it would make a difference which one of them I use for learning? (Maybe the Allround Classic gives better feeling?)

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi Thomas,

Either of those blades will be fine.

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