Missing easy shots


Spinny Asked 3 years ago

Hello Alois,

When I play against low-level players I don't tend to do well. Mostly low-level players will return slow, sometimes high, no-spin balls. But, when I try to smash them, or topspin them, I miss the ball completely, or if I do manage to hit it, send it out of bounds. This is odd, because I can regularly return fast, topspinny balls from a robot or my training partner (who is much better than me). Why would I be able to return, and sometimes smash, good shots, but not poor shots? Is there a way to fix this? 

Thank you

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 3 years ago


This is common.  A lot of players are good when the ball is going to them at a faster even pace however when they need to generate the pace themselves or the ball is coming slightly irregularly they find it difficult.

Sometimes when you have more time to think then the strokes will become contrived rather than natural.

Practice more with those slower players and work on the technique of your strokes at that pace.  Don't try to do too much with the ball and treat them with greater importance as well.

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