Moist rubber


Romeo Chua
Romeo Chua Asked 8 years ago

I like tacky chinese rubbers. I use them for both my forehand and backhand. I can do everything with them, except when I am in an air-conditioned room. Because it is so cold, and because my partner sweats like crazy, my rubbers often become too damp or moist to do anything. I tried wiping it with my hand, but that just worsens the problem because my hand is sweaty too. How do I keep my rubbers dry and tacky?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Romeo,

Dry the rubber with a dry towel.  You may need a bigger towel to use during a match.

In a match you are only supposed to use a towel every 6 points, however, if you show the umpire that your bat is dry they should allow you use your towel to dry it.

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Thoughts on this question

Romeo Chua

Romeo Chua Posted 8 years ago

thanks for the suggestion!

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