More backspin


faiq raza
faiq raza Asked 12 years ago

GREETINGS. i enjoy in watching your videos, which are really improving my game . my question is that i am using butterfly Addoy 2000 currently and it does generate some spin but my opponent easily lift my backspin .. WHY ? can u give any tip and can u please tell that how can i improve spin on the ball .


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Faiq,

To generate more spin you need to brush the ball faster.  You need to also contact the ball more at the base of the ball rather than behind.  So to do this get your racket angle flatter.

Take a look at our lesson on the Backhand Push.  Watch especially from 1:55.

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Thoughts on this question

DHS Lover

DHS Lover Posted 12 years ago

I also have a bat with that rubber and it seems that rubber don't have a lot of spin try to do backspin or sidespin on the floor and see how fast the ball is spin i'd better recommended you to change your rubber with yasaka mark v as i would change my bat to pingskills touch soon. You can buy pingskills rook / pingskills touch bat as it have a lot of spin and comfort for everyone...

faiq raza

faiq raza Posted 12 years ago

i think its not possible to get that racket because i am living in pakistan which is far away. i am thinking to change my racket to wakaba any idea about that racket how good it is ?




Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Faiq,

The Wakaba is a reasonably good pre made bat.  It will however give you reasonable amounts of spin to learn the strokes.

Marksman Brian

Marksman Brian Posted 12 years ago

for double fish, i recommend double fish 3A-C

faiq raza

faiq raza Posted 12 years ago

hmm good point

mat huang

mat huang Posted 12 years ago

GOod racket and cheap- buy a customize chinese one on eacheng

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