Professional player reactions


elvin tee
elvin tee Asked 12 years ago

Hi, coach. I have play table tennis for 3 years and my senior says I can win a competition in 1 year later. I want to learn more technique from internet. Then, I watch a video about china teams in olympics 2012. My question is how the proffesional player can return the topspin even there is so fast. They seems like they know the ball will go to where. Is it their six sense? I'm sure you got the answer.  Thanks.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Elvin,

It is like a 6th sense but it comes from hitting so many balls.  After a while you get better at seeing where the ball is going and being able to tell by the other players actions where the ball will come.

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Thoughts on this question

bertus bertus

bertus bertus Posted 12 years ago

It's difficult to discribe but to start with, most of the times a forhand loop goes diagonal over the table.
Specialy when the opponent is forced out wide to the side, the changes are very big that the ball will come diagonal.
A lot of blocking exercises (were the opponent may hit every part of the table) helped me to get a better understanding of were the ball is coming. However sometimes it's just a wild guess, but I'm fairly sure that top players also get guess at times and make errors with it.


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