Most spinny Rubber


Julio Torres
Julio Torres Asked 13 years ago

Is the Spin Art from butterfly the most spinny rubber or there is another rubber that makes more spin on the ball??

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Julio,

I am not sure on this one.  I like the spin generated from Tenergy and Vega Pro. 

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Thoughts on this question

Julio Torres

Julio Torres Posted 12 years ago

isn't vega pro too fast... i begin playing like a year ago....

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
It is a very fast rubber and also has good spin.  Maybe you could go for Yasaka Pryde which has good spin and isn't as fast.

Hannes Lemberg

Hannes Lemberg Posted 12 years ago

In my club  is a guy, who borned in times of WW2.
He is able to generate more spin with my yasaka mark V, than me with tackiness, spin art, xiom europe, tenergy's and so on.

In my opinion most of the spin is in your hand. Rubber adds a lot less than good touch.
Alois should record a video, where he uses a rubber boot or pingskills rook to show how much spin comes out of cheap gear :)

Henry Yam

Henry Yam Posted 12 years ago

I recommend the skyline 2 tg2 neo. You can check its stats on and searching for it on the search bar (left hand side, middle of page)

Debo :

Debo : Posted 12 years ago

DHS Skyline II Neo is a good rubber for generating spin, I do agree with Henry.  But, those who are used to euro / japanes type of rubber, will face difficulties with the same.  Skyline II is a traditional chinese type of rubber with hard sponge, tacky topsheet and slow rubber.  Need to bursh a lot to generate spin.

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