My Backhand Topspin Smash


Denny Lee
Denny Lee Asked 10 years ago

Hi I am having an issue with my backhand these days. When i try to make a backhand topspin smash, it tends to go under the net most of the times. at the moment, I use side topspin to sort of lift the ball at the same time but it feels unstable.

It should be great if you could help about this matter.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Denny,

A topspin uses more spin.  A smash uses more speed and a flatter contact.

With your stronger shots it is better to have straight topspin or a straighter contact rather than using sidespin.  With sidespin the ball has less dip and so makes it harder to get the ball accurately onto the table.  That is probably why it is feeling unstable.

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