Seeing a coach


Dakota Castleberg
Dakota Castleberg Asked 10 years ago

You and Jeff have helped me out a lot with your videos and all of your ask the coach questions, as well as your ask the coach show you do on a continual basis. It has helped me become quite passionate about this game. My question this time is regarding seeing a coach in person. I am wondering what benefits I can gain from seeing a coach in person, versus doing drills I have learned with someone at or above my skill level. Would it beneficial to have a coach critique my form and help and analyze my in game strategy? Are there other important benefits I could take away from seeing a coach?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Dakota,

A personal coach can help by giving instant feedback on strokes and give you the ability to change things at the time.  If you get the opportunity, take it.

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