My Opponent Smashes Everything!


Michael Tipton
Michael Tipton Asked 14 years ago


I have a problem with an opponent. it seems no matter where or how i hit the ball short long spin no spin he can smash it back at me. both forehand and back hand ive even learned the pendulum serve that helps some i keep the ball low as your video show i even make it a point to do so. my question is what can i do to stop him?

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Michael,

It sounds like you are playing the World Champion :)

Really though, if you keep the ball short and low it is impossible to keep smashing the ball. Keep practicing hard at being able to serve short and low. Make sure the ball bounces at least twice on the table and aim even lower. Also work on generating more backspin on your serve. A heavy backspin serve or push will be harder to attack because the backspin will cause the ball to drag downwards off his bat.

If you do need to push the ball long then try pushing it aggressively to the corners to cut down the time he has to make an attack.

The other thing you can do is make the attack first. If he plays a long serve then you should topspin the ball.

So remember that it is simply not possible to smash every ball. Vary the spin, speed and placement to make it hard for your opponent and take up the attack first whenever you can.

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Thoughts on this question

Michael Tipton

Michael Tipton Posted 14 years ago

Thank you. that was very helpful.

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