My racket become old


H Ali
H Ali Asked 12 years ago

My rackets rubbers are bad by the sun so i will change them.  Im thinking to use this. (give me your advise. Good or not)

Tenergy 05-fx for forehand. 

Xiom vega pro for backhand.  

Do u prefer thickness 2.1 or 1.9?

Whats the density?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Ali,

Those are good rubbers as long as you have a bit of experience behind you.  It also depends which rubbers you were using previously.  They are both very fast rubbers so you need a good deal of control and touch to use them. If you are going for these faster rubbers and you think you will be able to handle them, then go for the 2.1 thickness to get the full value out of them.

The density refers to the density of the sponge. 

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