New Ball machine next year


Piers Grey
Piers Grey Asked 15 years ago

I'm getting a new ball machine at the end of next year and I want to know how to use it to effectively improve my game, not to make my game worse. could you give me some pointers on how I could use it successfully?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Piers,

Some of the new machines are programmable so that you can set up a drill to practice.

Work out what sort of drills you need to practice and then set it up to do that for you.  If you are stuck for Drill get a copy of Training Secrets Revealed.  this will give you a lot of ideas of drills and also explain which drills will be useful for your type of game.

One of the basic things I think Ball machines are really useful for is for them to feed backspin to you so that you can practice your topsin against backspin stroke repetitively and effectively.

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