No place to play


eduardo espinosa
eduardo espinosa Asked 12 years ago

Dear Jeff and Alois. Table tennis in Miami is once more in crisis: They closed our place. Only hoping that we'll find another one soon enough to avoid rust in my joints, what kind of exercises should I do to stay in shape.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Eduardo,

That is a shame.  Can you find a small place and put a table in there?  Even if you have to set it up each time you play?

In the meantime take a look at our tips on Practicing Alone.  This may keep the touch until you find another venue.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Choosing Drills

In this video we discuss how you should choose your drills. We also talk about the type of drills you should choose in the off season as opposed to when you are in competition. We finish off the video by teaching you how to design your own drills.

Watch Now

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