no spin serve


Judah Cagas
Judah Cagas Asked 13 years ago

hi coaches

is it true that there is a no spin serve or hit?bcuz for me  every serve or hit has a spin.

thank you


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Judah,

It is difficult to hit a ball without any spin at all but a no spin serve has almost no spin at all.

The key to a good no spin serve is to make it look like you are putting spin on the ball but at the contact point flattening the bat out to hit the ball flat. 

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Thoughts on this question

Tim Sodelund

Tim Sodelund Posted 13 years ago

If you use the pendulum sevre you contact the ball in the middle of the bat. And don´t brush the ball! Okay. 

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