Odd angles and end of table hits


Rex Bradburn
Rex Bradburn Asked 8 years ago


I love your videos and re watch them for helpful info all the time.  

My questions is this. How do you teach what to do when the ball hits an odd angle, ie hits a small piece of rubber that was on the table?

Additionally how train for handling when the ball hits the edge of the table and just on the sides? 

Again thank you for your awesome videos and great instructions! 


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Rex,

It is not something that you can train specifically however the key to being able to adjust quickly to these things is how well you are watching the ball.

If you are tracking the ball all the way you will die yourself the best opportunity to react quickly to the unexpected deviations in the flight of the ball.

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