Opponent opens up a rally with a heavy topspin


Dariusz Rypień
Member Badge Dariusz Rypień Asked 2 years ago


I've got a question on what to do when an opponent opens up a rally after a push to push exchange with a heavy topspin. So normally I try to open up first, but sometimes the opponent is just quicker. So what to if it happens? Of course I can block it with a more closed bat angle, but then an opponent gets an easier ball to attack after the block. I try to be brave and counter that heavy topspin but most of the time it goes off the table.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 2 years ago

Hi Dariusz,

Here is a video we have done on this area.  It is a difficult ball but one that is more important now as the rallies often start with this.

Take a look at Counter a Slow Spinny Topspin.


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