Outdoor Table Tennis Table


Stan Werner
Stan Werner Asked 2 years ago

I want to buy an Outdoor ping pong table and I know that the bounce on these is not nearly as good as a 25 mm indoor table. I live in Central Florida. Is there any table under $2,000 Us dollars that you can recommend which would have an acceptable bounce? I am considering the Joola Nova Pro Plus and the Stiga XTR Pro. Thanks

Stan Werner

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 2 years ago

Hi Stan,

I haven't used either of these but the bounce on these is getting better.

Byt the looks of both of them, they will both be a good quality table.  They are both quality manufacturers.  The only thing I would say is that if you are going to keep the table outside then get an Outdoor table.  If you can store it inside then you will get much better value for money with an indoor table that will be able to be used outside and tolerate the heat while playing.

If anyone else has used these or another outdoor table recently can you help out Stan...

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