Pace of the serve


Daniel Lim
Daniel Lim Asked 9 years ago

Hi Coaches,

How can I maximize the effects of spin while serving (especially sidespin)? Getting the right contact and brushing motion is important as I realized but if I wish to maximize sidespin on the serve should the velocity of the ball be important as well? Would a sidespin serve with more pace cause more problems than a slow spinny sidespin serve?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Daniel,

A faster serve will hit your opponent's bat faster and therefore be harder to control for them.  However, if the ball is long then it allows your opponent to attack the serve.  The key is to try and get the ball to move fast and still have two bounces on the table.  this is a difficult balancing act.

Take a look at our lesson on Learn How To Serve Short & Fast in our ask the Coach Video responses.

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Thoughts on this question

Daniel Lim

Daniel Lim Posted 9 years ago

Thanks for the advice!

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