

Noel Flemmer
Noel Flemmer Asked 13 years ago

Hey guys,

 I have played tennis most of my life and throughout the past 5 summer played lots of ping pong and have been pretty good because my tennis skills have translated over to ping pong. Last summer however, I started watching some of your videos and for the most part they have been very helpful. The most significant tutorial has been that of the chop. Because of this I have gotten quite good at defense, though I am more effective as an offensive player.

I joined my colleges club ping pong team this year and have realized the paddles I have used in the past do not cut it when I play people that use so much spin. I have made the transition to the much more "grippy" paddles and it is now to my advantage, however I do not have a good grippy paddle of my own. I was hoping with what I have told you, you will have enough information to recommend a brand of paddles for me and also what types I should look at to buy. 

Please let me know if you would like any additional information about my game to form a recommendation.

Thanks guys!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Noel, 
I think you should go for a slow blade with some good control rubber.  What sort of grippy paddles are you using at the moment?  I would recommend something like the PingSkills Rook Table Tennis Bat to start with or the top of the range pre-made bats from Stiga or Butterfly.  If you feel you are past that then you could go for a custom bat with rubber like Mark V or Sriver.  We have the PingSkills Touch that you can get with Mark V.

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