

Shripathi ramakrishnan
Shripathi ramakrishnan Asked 13 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

How can i win more points using pushes? My short push is decent and even though my long push snaps pretty well, i dont know how to take initiative to continue the push game (i find this very useful when the score isnt in my favour) how can i drag the opponent more around the table with the fast,long,push to get them into a bad position where they wouldnt be able to recieve a controlled topspin?  

Also how does variation of spin help? 

And also there is this guy in my club who looks in one direction but can get his push in the other. How can i disguise the direction i wanna push in like that?

ps.sorry for so many questions.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

HI Shripathi,

The push can be an effective weapon.  The things that you need to consider is like with many areas of this game are spin, speed and placement.

You can vary the placement of the ball all over the table including short and long on your opponent's side.  If they are a strong attacker then you need to hit the ball shorter so that you don't allow them to attack.  If they are staying too close to the table then a long fast push can be effective.

The variation of spin will make it harder for them to keep the ball low back to you.  This will then present you with opportunities to make the attack.

As far as disguising the direction, you can use your body and hand in different directions to confuse your opponent.  First though focus on getting the action and consistency right. 


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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Forehand Topspin Variations

A great weapon is being able to vary the amount of speed and spin on your forehand topspin stroke. By making your stroke more vertical and brushing the ball finely, you can generate more spin. For more speed you need to swing more horizontally.

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