Pendulum Serve


Dima X
Dima X Asked 10 years ago

Hello Pingskills,

I am trying to do the pendulum serve however I am not sure how to serve with backspin. How do I do this? Also, is there a different technique for the serve if you want to hit the ball short or long?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Dima,

To get backspin on the Pendulum serve you need to drop your elbow lower and get the bat parallel to the ground on contact.

This is something a lot of players find difficult to do.  It is a good idea to video yourself doing it so that you get a good idea of you bat angle when you are actually hitting the ball.

Another idea is to start by hitting the ball onto the floor and see if you can get the ball to come straight back to you.  If you can, then you are getting straight backspin.

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Reverse Pendulum Serve

The reverse pendulum serve can be a real weapon but can be hard to learn. We simplify the process and show you step by step how to serve it effectively.

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Thoughts on this question

Dima X

Dima X Posted 10 years ago

Thank you

If you want to serve the ball short or long do you use a different technique to serve or do you just hit it faster?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Sorry Dima, I missed that bit.  

To hit the ball shorter you use a similar action just brush the ball finer on contact.  The finer contact will get the ball shorter, a thicker contact will get the ball further.

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