Pendulum serve


Gary Teh
Gary Teh Asked 13 years ago

Hi coach!

I want to ask you a question , the question is how to do the pendulum serve , i learn harder but i still cant . Could you tell me the steps doing pendulum serve ?

And one more question , my friend knows how to do backhand sidespin flick , but he wont teach me ! Could you help me ?

i hope u can teach me !


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Gary,

The pendulm serve has a few steps to follow.

Start with changing your grip by taking your 3 fingers off the handle, then stand side on with your left leg just touching the backhand corner of the table. Then get your playing arm elbow up at shoulder level and then use the forearm like a pendulum.  Brush the ball on contact.  You can see this in our Serving Secrets Revealed DVD which you can get through our website.

Take a look at our lesson on the Backhand Sidespin Flick.  This will help you to learn it.  It is  a very difficult stroke to master.  You will need to do a lot of work on it to get it right.

Good luck. 

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