Pendulum serve variations


Francisco Cespedes Grau
Francisco Cespedes Grau Asked 12 years ago

I have mastered very nice the short backspin pendulum serve, but I'm having trouble to get the sidespin pendulum short, where should i contact the ball? it's easy for me get it short if i get the contact under the ball but with side motion cause i can give less foward momentum, it's that correct for the tipical sidespin pendulum serve? Is it corkscrew spin? and if it is whats the difference between that spin and the normal sidespin? i find it easily make the serve short with that kind of spin.

So my doubt is, the sidespin pendulum serve is done contacting underneath the ball in side motion or in the side of the ball (in this case i always get it long cause i give it too much foward momentum)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Francisco,

You need to contact the side of the ball.  If you contact under the ball the ball will travel too slowly and give your opponent too much time see the sidespin.  With practice you will be able to get the serve short by hitting it on the side of the ball. You need to get the ball to bounce close to you on your side of the table.

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