Pendulum serves


Martin Coronel
Martin Coronel Asked 12 years ago

I know that if a right handed player uses a sidespin or topspin pendulum serve it usually curves to the right but how can a right handed player make it to go left instead.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Martin,

They can do the reverse Pendulum serve.  You do this by brushing on the opposite side of the ball.

Start with the forehand side of your bat facing in towards you and then flick your wrist through brushing the right hand side of the ball.  Finish with your bat pointing at the far net post.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

High Toss Serve

The high toss serve looks spectacular and it gets results. It is particularly suited to the pendulum serve but we encourage you to try it out with all of your serves. Follow these instructions and add the high toss serve to your repertoire.

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