Penhold Bat


Collen Irwin
Collen Irwin Asked 12 years ago

Hello Alois. 

I'm thinking about investing in my first non-premade bat. I've done some looking around, but reviews on Japanese penhold bats are quite scarce. I'm not sure if you've got much information about them, but any help would be appreciated. I have an offensive play style. My focus is mainly on loops, and my defense is most often just blocking. I'm not sure if I should get a soft or hard bat, or if I should get soft or hard rubber. Sorry for asking such a long and complicated question.



Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Colleen,

I don't have much specific information about a bat but I would suggest you get a softer wood with more control. The type of rubber is a matter of preference.  I personally like softer rubber but see what feels right for you.

I hope others will be able to give you specific advice about an actual name of a bat to try.

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Thoughts on this question

Edgar Faria

Edgar Faria Posted 12 years ago

go to

Collen Irwin

Collen Irwin Posted 12 years ago

Thank you for your advice. I went with the Butterfly Hinoki Pen Winner II, and Gambler Wraith rubber. Can't wait to give it a try!

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Excellent.  Let us know how it goes for you.

Edgar Faria

Edgar Faria Posted 12 years ago

You're welcome Collen! Glad I could help.

Collen Irwin

Collen Irwin Posted 12 years ago

I've had it for a few days now, and I like it a lot. Coming from a Chinese penhold bat, the JPen bat feels much more secure, and it makes blocks a bit more fluent for me. It has nice touch, and yet my drives and smashes are faster than ever. Overall, I'm very happy with it. 

Here's a link to a snapshot I took of it. Thanks again!

Edgar Faria

Edgar Faria Posted 12 years ago

Seems really cool, you're welcome. 

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