Penhold or Shakehand Can't decide...


Phillip Tugok
Phillip Tugok Asked 6 years ago

Hi there,

I'm Phillip and first of all, I love ping pong. I'm a complete amateur, but still I like playing it a lot!

My problem? My grip! I can't decide whether to choose Penhold or Shakehand... I feel comfortable with playing Penhold but I can't utilise the reverse Penhold as well as I can in Shakehand (but it's backhand), and I can't utilise the forehand as well in Shakehand as I can in Penhold. 

I could really use some help... I really want to progress but my limitation for now is my grip :(

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Philllip,

This is a personal feel as there are world class players using both grips the technique will hold up whichever one you choose.

I would play with one only for a week and then change.  At the end of the two weeks you can make a decision.

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